The Jumping Jack exercise is a full-body calisthenic exercise that involves jumping while simultaneously spreading and closing the legs and arms. It is a great cardiovascular exercise that engages multiple muscle groups in the body.

Muscle Groups:


How to perform

Step-by-step instructions for performing Jumping Jacks:

1. Stand with your feet together and your arms at your sides.
2. Jump up in the air, spreading your legs shoulder-width apart and simultaneously bring your arms above your head.
3. Jump up again, bringing your legs back together and lowering your arms back to your sides.
4. Repeat the jumping motion, continuously alternating between spreading and closing your legs and arms.
5. Aim to perform Jumping Jacks at a fast pace to increase your heart rate and maximize the cardiovascular benefits.
6. Continue the exercise for a set amount of time or repetitions, ensuring proper form and breathing throughout.

Equipment required

No equipment required