ASPIRA workout and fitness tracker is available on Androind and coming soon to iOS.

Track your workouts, keep track of PR's, monitor your weight and calculate your BMI and calorie expenditure, we're constantly expanding and improving so make sure to keep your app up to date!


Android App
Get the latest Aspira workout tracker app for your Android phone or tablet
Cardio & Strength
If you're looking to get stronger and tone up, we've got you covered. Our database contains thousands of exercises to get you pumped!
Weight Lifting
Track all your lifts with great features. ASPIRA is for people of all types of experience level, create your own plans or find an existing one from our full library of plans for any goal.
Weight Watching
Track your weight, calorie expenditure, bmi and bmr with progress pictures and more.
We're not just an app for power lifters and strongmen, with ASPIRA, you can track all activities such as yoga and pilates.