The Cable Pulldown (Pro Lat Bar) exercise is a strength training exercise that targets the muscles in the back, particularly the latissimus dorsi (lats) muscles. This exercise is commonly performed using a cable pulley machine with a lat bar attachment.

Muscle Groups:


How to perform

To perform the Cable Pulldown (Pro Lat Bar) exercise, follow these step-by-step instructions:

1. Adjust the weight on the cable pulley machine to an appropriate level for your fitness level.

2. Sit down on the seat, facing the machine, with your feet flat on the ground and your knees positioned under the knee pads or against the knee stop.

3. Reach up and grasp the lat bar with an overhand grip, hands shoulder-width apart or slightly wider.

4. Keep your back straight, chest up, and shoulders relaxed as you pull the bar down towards your chest. Imagine squeezing your shoulder blades together.

5. Slowly release the bar back to the starting position, straightening your arms and allowing your lats to fully stretch.

6. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

7. Remember to breathe properly throughout the exercise, exhaling as you pull the bar down and inhaling as you release it back up.

8. To vary the exercise, you can also try different grip variations such as a reverse grip (underhand) or a wide grip.

This exercise is effective for building strength and size in the back muscles, as well as improving overall upper body strength and posture. It is important to use proper form and technique to avoid injury and maximize the benefits of the exercise.

Equipment required

Cable equipment consists of adjustable pulleys attached to weight stacks that allow for resistance training. This equipment is commonly used for strength training exercises that target various muscle groups in the body, such as chest, back, arms, and legs. Cable equipment provides a versatile and functional way to perform exercises that mimic real-life movements, improving muscle endurance, stability, and coordination.