The Weighted Russian Twist (Legs Up) is a challenging core exercise that targets the obliques and improves rotational strength and stability. Adding weight to the twist increases the intensity and provides an extra challenge for the muscles.

Muscle Groups:


How to perform

To perform the Weighted Russian Twist (Legs Up) exercise, follow these step-by-step instructions:

1. Sit on the floor with your knees bent and feet lifted off the ground, keeping your legs together and knees at a 90-degree angle. Lean back slightly to engage your core.

2. Hold a weight (dumbbell, kettlebell, or medicine ball) with both hands in front of your chest. The weight should be heavy enough to challenge you but not too heavy that you compromise form.

3. Slowly twist your torso to the right, bringing the weight towards the right side of your body. Keep your chest lifted and shoulders down throughout the movement.

4. Pause briefly at the right side, then twist your torso to the left, bringing the weight towards the left side of your body. This completes one rep.

5. Repeat for the desired number of reps, alternating sides with each twist.

6. Focus on controlling the movement and engaging your core muscles throughout the exercise. Avoid using momentum to swing the weight side to side.

7. To progress the exercise, you can increase the weight of the object you are holding, increase the number of reps, or slow down the movement for an added challenge.

8. Remember to breathe throughout the exercise and maintain proper form to prevent injury.

Equipment required

Weighted equipment consists of items such as dumbbells, kettlebells, and weighted vests that are used to add resistance to exercises. This type of equipment is commonly used in strength training and resistance exercises to increase muscle strength, endurance, and overall fitness level. It allows individuals to progressively overload their muscles, leading to improved muscle growth and enhanced performance. Weighted equipment is versatile and can be incorporated into various workouts such as weightlifting, bodyweight exercises, and cardiovascular activities.