The Reverse Crunch is an abdominal exercise that targets the lower abs. It is a challenging move that requires core strength and control.

Muscle Groups:


How to perform

To perform a Reverse Crunch:

1. Lie flat on your back with your arms at your sides and palms facing down.
2. Bend your knees and lift your legs off the floor, bringing your thighs perpendicular to the ground.
3. Keeping your core engaged, exhale as you lift your hips off the floor, curling them towards your chest.
4. Pause at the top of the movement, then slowly lower your hips back down to the starting position.
5. Avoid swinging your legs or using momentum to lift your hips – focus on using your abs to control the movement.
6. Repeat for 10-15 reps, or as many as you can with good form.

To modify the Reverse Crunch and make it easier, you can keep your feet on the ground with your knees bent and perform the same crunching motion with your upper body. To make it more challenging, you can extend your legs straight up towards the ceiling instead of bending your knees.

Equipment required

Body Weight
Body weight equipment includes items like resistance bands, stability balls, and suspension trainers. These tools are used for a wide range of exercises that focus on strength training, flexibility, balance, and stability. They are commonly used in bodyweight exercises that utilize the resistance of one's own body to build muscle and improve overall fitness.