The Smith Seated Wrist Curl is an isolation exercise that targets the forearm muscles, specifically the flexor muscles that help with wrist flexion.

Muscle Groups:


How to perform

Step-by-step instructions for performing the Smith Seated Wrist Curl:

1. Set up the Smith machine by adjusting the barbell to a height that allows your arms to fully extend when seated.

2. Sit on a bench or chair in front of the Smith machine with your feet flat on the floor and back straight.

3. Grip the barbell with an underhand grip (palms facing up) and position your forearms on your thighs, with your wrists hanging over the edge.

4. Slowly curl your wrists up towards your body, keeping your arms stationary and contracting your forearm muscles. Hold the top position for a second to fully engage the muscles.

5. Lower the barbell back down to the starting position, allowing your wrists to fully extend. This completes one repetition.

6. Perform the desired number of repetitions, typically 10-15 for beginners and up to 20 for more advanced lifters.

7. Remember to maintain proper form throughout the exercise, ensuring controlled movements and avoiding swinging or jerking motions.

8. After completing the set, carefully return the barbell to the starting position on the Smith machine.

9. To target different areas of the forearm, you can also perform the exercise with an overhand grip (palms facing down) or with a neutral grip (palms facing each other).

This exercise can help improve grip strength, wrist stability, and forearm muscle development. It is important to start with lighter weights and gradually increase the resistance as you become more comfortable with the movement. Consult with a fitness professional if you are unsure about proper form or if you experience any discomfort while performing the exercise.

Equipment required

Smith Machine
The Smith Machine is a piece of weightlifting equipment that consists of a barbell attached to a sliding system within vertical tracks. It is primarily used for performing resistance training exercises such as squats, bench presses, shoulder presses, and lunges. The Smith Machine provides stability and safety for individuals lifting weights, making it a popular option in gyms and fitness facilities.