The Inverted Row With Straps is a bodyweight exercise that targets the muscles of the upper back, shoulders, and arms. It is a great exercise for building strength and improving posture.

Muscle Groups:

Upper Back

How to perform

To perform the Inverted Row With Straps, follow these steps:

1. Set up two straps or bands attached to a secure anchor point overhead. The straps should be at about waist height when standing.

2. Grab onto the straps with an overhand grip, palms facing away from you, and walk your feet forward until your body is at an angle with the ground. Your body should form a straight line from your head to your heels.

3. Engage your core muscles and squeeze your shoulder blades together as you pull your chest up towards the straps. Keep your elbows close to your sides during the movement.

4. Lower yourself back down to the starting position with control. Make sure to keep your body in a straight line throughout the movement.

5. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

To increase the difficulty of the exercise, you can adjust the angle of your body to make it more horizontal, or you can add weight by wearing a weighted vest or holding a dumbbell between your feet.

Equipment required

Body Weight
Body weight equipment includes items like resistance bands, stability balls, and suspension trainers. These tools are used for a wide range of exercises that focus on strength training, flexibility, balance, and stability. They are commonly used in bodyweight exercises that utilize the resistance of one's own body to build muscle and improve overall fitness.