Exercise Ball Alternating Arm Ups is a core strengthening exercise that targets the shoulders, chest, and upper back. It also helps improve stability and balance.

Muscle Groups:


How to perform

To perform the Exercise Ball Alternating Arm Ups:

1. Begin by sitting on an exercise ball with your feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart. Roll down on the ball until your mid-back and shoulders are supported.

2. Engage your core muscles and keep your back straight. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, with your palms facing inward and arms extended towards the ceiling.

3. Slowly lower one arm towards the side of your body while keeping the other arm extended overhead. Maintain stability in your core and keep your hips level.

4. Lift the lowered arm back up towards the ceiling, while simultaneously lowering the other arm towards the side of your body. Continue to alternate between arms in a controlled manner.

5. Perform 10-12 repetitions on each arm for 2-3 sets.

6. Remember to breathe throughout the exercise and focus on keeping proper form.

This exercise can be modified by using lighter or heavier dumbbells based on your fitness level. It is important to maintain stability on the exercise ball and engage your core muscles throughout the movement for optimal results.

Equipment required

Stability Ball
Stability balls are large, inflatable balls commonly used in fitness and physical therapy. They are utilized to improve core strength, balance, flexibility, and overall stability. These balls are versatile equipment that can be used for various exercises like core workouts, balance training, strength training, and stretching. Using a stability ball can enhance muscle performance and improve posture, making it an effective tool for both exercise enthusiasts and individuals in rehabilitation.