The Lower Back Curl is a Pilates exercise that targets the muscles of the lower back, as well as the glutes and hamstrings. This exercise is great for strengthening and toning the lower back muscles while also improving flexibility and range of motion in the spine.

Muscle Groups:


How to perform

To perform the Lower Back Curl exercise, follow these step-by-step instructions:

1. Lie on your stomach on a mat with your arms extended overhead and your legs straight out behind you.

2. Engage your core muscles and lift your arms, head, chest, and legs off the mat at the same time. Keep your gaze downwards to maintain alignment of your spine.

3. As you lift, focus on lengthening your spine and reaching out through your fingertips and toes.

4. Hold this position for a few seconds, then slowly lower back down to the starting position.

5. Repeat for 8-10 reps, making sure to keep your movements controlled and fluid.

6. To increase the challenge, you can add a small pulse at the top of the movement or hold a small weight in your hands.

7. Remember to breathe throughout the exercise, inhaling as you lift and exhaling as you lower back down.

The Lower Back Curl is a great exercise for strengthening the muscles of the lower back and improving overall spinal health. Make sure to listen to your body and modify the exercise as needed to match your fitness level.

Equipment required

Body Weight
Body weight equipment includes items like resistance bands, stability balls, and suspension trainers. These tools are used for a wide range of exercises that focus on strength training, flexibility, balance, and stability. They are commonly used in bodyweight exercises that utilize the resistance of one's own body to build muscle and improve overall fitness.