The Incline Close-Grip Push-Up is a variation of the traditional push-up that targets the triceps and chest muscles. By using an incline surface, such as a bench or a step, the exercise places additional emphasis on the triceps.

Muscle Groups:
Upper Arms


How to perform

To perform the Incline Close-Grip Push-Up, follow these steps:

1. Find an incline surface that is stable and secure, such as a bench or a step. Place your hands shoulder-width apart on the surface, with your thumbs and index fingers forming a diamond shape.

2. Position your body in a plank position, with your hands directly beneath your shoulders and your feet hip-width apart. Keep your core engaged and your body in a straight line from head to heels.

3. Lower your chest towards the incline surface by bending your elbows, keeping them close to your body. Lower yourself until your chest almost touches the surface.

4. Push yourself back up to the starting position by straightening your arms, exhaling as you push.

5. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions, ensuring proper form and maintaining tension in the triceps throughout the movement.

6. To increase the intensity of the exercise, you can adjust the height of the incline surface or perform the exercise on an unstable surface, such as a stability ball.

Remember to warm up before performing the exercise and to cool down and stretch afterwards to prevent injury. Consult with a fitness professional if you are unsure about proper form or modifications.

Equipment required

Body Weight
Body weight equipment includes items like resistance bands, stability balls, and suspension trainers. These tools are used for a wide range of exercises that focus on strength training, flexibility, balance, and stability. They are commonly used in bodyweight exercises that utilize the resistance of one's own body to build muscle and improve overall fitness.