The Exercise Ball Lat Stretch is a great stretching exercise that targets the latissimus dorsi muscles, which are the large muscles in your back that help with shoulder movement and stability.

Muscle Groups:


How to perform

To perform the Exercise Ball Lat Stretch, follow these steps:

1. Sit on an exercise ball with your feet planted firmly on the ground and your hands resting on the ball at your sides.
2. Slowly walk your feet forward while rolling the ball underneath you until your upper back and head are supported by the ball.
3. Extend your arms overhead and grasp the sides of the ball with your hands.
4. Keep your core engaged and your hips lifted as you lower your upper body towards the floor, feeling a stretch in your lats.
5. Hold this position for 20-30 seconds, breathing deeply and trying to relax into the stretch.
6. Slowly come back to the starting position by walking your feet back towards the ball and rolling back up to a seated position.
7. Repeat the stretch on the other side by repeating steps 2-6.

Make sure to perform this stretch with control and avoid any bouncing or jerking movements. Listen to your body and only go as far into the stretch as feels comfortable for you. You can perform this stretch as part of a warm-up before exercise or as a cool down after a workout.

Equipment required

Stability Ball
Stability balls are large, inflatable balls commonly used in fitness and physical therapy. They are utilized to improve core strength, balance, flexibility, and overall stability. These balls are versatile equipment that can be used for various exercises like core workouts, balance training, strength training, and stretching. Using a stability ball can enhance muscle performance and improve posture, making it an effective tool for both exercise enthusiasts and individuals in rehabilitation.