The Band Wrist Curl exercise is a strength training exercise targeting the muscles of the forearms and wrists. It helps to improve grip strength, wrist flexibility, and overall forearm strength.

Muscle Groups:


How to perform

To perform the Band Wrist Curl exercise, follow these steps:

1. Sit on a chair or bench with your back straight and your feet flat on the ground.
2. Hold one end of a resistance band in each hand, ensuring that the band is securely under your feet and that there is tension in the band.
3. Keep your forearms on your thighs, palms facing up, and wrists hanging over the edge of your knees.
4. Slowly curl your wrists upwards towards your body, bringing your hands towards your forearms.
5. Hold this position for a few seconds, then slowly lower your hands back down to the starting position.
6. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.
7. Remember to keep your movements controlled and steady throughout the exercise to maximize the effectiveness of the workout.

It is important to choose the appropriate resistance band to suit your strength level, and to start with a lighter band if you are a beginner. As with any exercise, it is recommended to warm up before starting and to cool down afterwards to prevent injury. Consult with a fitness professional or trainer if you are unsure about proper form or technique.

Equipment required

Band equipment consists of elastic bands or tubes that provide resistance during exercises. They are commonly used to strengthen and tone muscles, improve flexibility, and increase range of motion. Bands are versatile and can be used for a variety of exercises targeting different muscle groups, making them suitable for strength training, rehabilitation, and physical therapy. The resistance levels can be adjusted based on the tension of the band, allowing for progressive overload and customization for individual fitness levels.